- 分类:新闻聚焦
- 发布时间:2021-11-18 16:43
- 分类:新闻聚焦
- 发布时间:2021-11-18 16:43
Young guns are just always busy. After the NASCAR Whelen Euro Series testing at Circuit De Fontenay – Le – Comte, Aliyyah Koloc and Téo Calvet flew straight to Dubai, where the Buggyra Academy stars are going to join the testing team.
欧洲系列赛圆满结束后,Aliyyah Koloc跟Teo马不停蹄地飞往迪拜,和零公里ZM-BUGGYRA车队的其他赛车手汇合,万众期待的迪拜大试车终于要开始了。
While Aliyyah’s schedule is going according to plan, Téo went home to France to jump in for medically indisposed Yasmeen Koloc. “He’s giving racing everything, and I believe that he’s going to reap the rewards. All we had to do was to call. Without any explanation he just asked where and when he is supposed to be,” says the Buggyra team principal Martin Koloc, who admires such attitude. “Unless something unexpected happens, he’s going to race in the Rally Hail in Saudi Arabia at the beginning of December.”
除了比赛的缘故没有及时参加试车的Aliyyah和Teo,还有一位受伤卧床的赛车手Yasmeen Koloc,即使饱受伤病折磨,还在接受治疗,在听到车队安排的迪拜试车时,他也没有任何抱怨,而是坚持参与,带伤练车。车队负责人Martin Koloc更是非常赞赏他:“身负伤病的情况下还是为了自己的赛车梦想坚持训练,不出预料的话,他还会参加12月初在沙特阿拉伯举行的Hail拉力赛,相信这种精神肯定能帮助他在接下来的比赛中取得好成绩。”
The new French truck racing champion had no issues readjusting his schedule for the team. “I can’t even imagine turning away an offer to test the European NASCAR series cars. When they called me that Yasmeen has problems with her back, I just packed my stuff and went there,” explains Téo, who is now ready for intensive testing of the Tatra special. “I did some mileage in a Dakar truck before, and it felt great. Sure, circuit racing is something different, but every kilometre behind the wheel of a racing special is useful. I haven’t raced in the desert before, but there is a first time for everything.”
With the upcoming winter programme that might see Téo Calvet turning into a rally-style driver, it makes sense to ask one important question – whether he is thinking about trying Dakar Rally and to support Ignacio Casale as a wild card. “Well, I know he’s willing to try anything. Right now, it’s like – never say never – and if you really want something, anything is possible,” said the Buggyra’s head of communication Jan Kalivoda.
冬季比赛即将到来,这也让Teo面临着赛车生涯最严峻的选择,是摆脱现状,征战达喀尔拉力赛,还是坚守卡赛的阵地,守卫冠军荣耀。ZM-BUGGYRA车队的赛车手面对如此艰难的选择,Buggyra的负责人Jan Kalivoda却并不担忧:“Teo是一名真正的勇士,面对未知的挑战和困难,他心里有自己的选择,然而无论他选择那哪一条路,只要他坚持走下去,就一定能成功”。




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