- 分类:新闻聚焦
- 发布时间:2021-12-09 09:24
- 分类:新闻聚焦
- 发布时间:2021-12-09 09:24
Big challenge and final test ahead of Dakar Three Buggyra Academy stars and a highly experienced Dakar legend. At first, it might sound like a bit unusual line-up, that will represent Buggyra ZM Racing at Rally Hail. The event will take place from December 6th to December 11th in Saudi Arabia, while it will be the final test for Josef Macháček (T3) and Téo Calvet (trucks) ahead of Dakar Rally 2022.
达喀尔拉力赛的热身赛——Hail拉力赛将于12月6日正式开始(沙特时间),这场比赛将是BUGGYRA-ZM车队赛车手Josef Macháček (T3组别) 和 Téo Calvet (卡车组别)在2022达喀尔拉力赛前的最后一次热身试车,两位BUGGYRA-ZM的车队新秀即将迎战达喀尔拉力赛这场勇敢者的游戏,面对巨大的挑战,赛车手们信心十足。
Priorities are clear过程比结果更重要
And as Martin Koloc, the team principal, says, it is also the first-ever official off-road event for the Buggyra Academy team. “The fact, that just two years since the academy has begun, we have Téo preparing for his first Dakar, and Aliyyah with Yasmeen will be racing next year for the first time, that must be proof that there’s something we’re doing well,” says Koloc, who also makes clear that the emphasis will not be on results.
正如团队负责人Martin Koloc所说,这是BUGGYRA-ZM车队的年轻人第一次正式参加的越野赛事。“Teo正准备参加今年的2022达喀尔拉力赛,双胞胎姐妹花Aliyyah和Yasmeen将于明年参加达喀尔拉力赛,我们致力于培养年轻的赛车手,他们的优秀也恰恰证明了我们的成功。”
“Especially Téo, who has a healthy excitement about it all, will have to keep it down, that’s why he’s getting Josef Kalina as his navigator. He’s going to explain to him, that only those who finish the race, can actually succeed at Dakar. And the same will be for both girls. We have no expectations when it comes to results, we’re starting a new long-term project here.”
Also, the defending T3 category champion Josef Macháček is heading to Rally Hail mostly for testing. “The priorities are clear for me and David. We need to try some things – while we’re convinced, they’re going to work, we just need to make sure,” said the first Buggyra driver to ever win a Dakar category.“Of course, in case it’s necessary, I’m here to help both girls. But as far as I know, they’re in good hands.”
此外,卫冕T3组冠军Josef Macháček将前往Hail拉力赛进行达喀尔2022的赛前热身准备。“我是BUGGYRA-ZM车队中第一个获得达喀尔冠军的车手,为了防止比赛中有意外情况发生,我和David都很清楚在达喀尔赛前需要做充分的准备。”
Experience and foresightful step达喀尔拉力赛的前瞻性安排
While Téo will get help from a three-time Dakar winner Josef Kalina, Aliyyah and Yasmeen can look forward to a very experienced duo of navigators Xavier Panseri and Stéphane Duple. “It’s a little bitimmodest, but I’ll say that if two incredibly successful navigators agree to work with two 17-year-old girls, it must say something about the qualities of the Buggyra Academy. Both are great professionals, they see it as a challenge and they don’t care that the result might not be as high as you would expect from such professionals,”says satisfied Martin Koloc, who considers hiring Xavier and Stéphan as his big diplomatic success.
曾在达喀尔拉力赛荣获三冠的Josef·Kalina将成为BUGGYRA-ZM车队赛车手Teo的领航员,而Aliyyah和Yasemeen姐妹花赛车手的领航员是赛事经验丰富的Xavier Panseri与Stéphane Duple。车队负责人Martin·Koloc满意地说:“毫不夸张,两个非常成功的领航员同意与两个17岁的女赛车手合作,这证明了BUGGYRA-ZM车队的年轻人真的很优秀。他们在勇敢者的游戏中挑战自我,是真正的勇士。”
“Our cooperation should not end with Rally Hail, as we’re putting together teams for the new FIA World Rally Championship series.”And the team boss also enjoys the decision of entering the T3 category. “We’ve got a confirmation of what we expected two years ago already. The prototype category at Dakar now features over 50 crews, with the best drivers and factory teams – it will be just some great racing.”
World premiereBUGGYRA-ZM首战世界锦标赛
The Dakar Rally 2022 will also mark the start of the new FIA World Rally Raid Championship. Apart from the Dakar, the first season also features events in UAE, Kazakhstan, Spain and Morocco. “While we’re not going to participate in the whole championship next year, in 2023 it’s going to be one of our priorities. Buggyra will be taking part in its first world championship and our ambitions are higher than just to participate,” added Martin Koloc.




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